Phil to play in St. Jude Classic and US Open

Golf fans all over the world will be excited to hear that Phil Mickelson will return to the PGA Tour for the St.
Jude Classic in Memphis (June 11 - 14) and will also tee it up for the US Open at Bethpage Black in Farmingdale, NY one week later. Phil had suspended his PGA Tour schedule two weeks ago when his wife Amy was diagnosed with breast cancer.
It seems that the disease was discovered at an early stage and that no immediate surgery is required. As reported by Golf World earlier this week, Amy Mickelson now plans to undergo surgery in late June or early July. This allows Phil to play the US Open but puts the British Open at Turnberry and all following tournaments in jeopardy.
Mickelson usually plays the week before a major tournament but hasn’t done so prior to the last two US Opens when the St. Jude Classic moved into that spot on the PGA Tour’s schedule. His last start at TPC Southwind was in 2001 when he missed the cut.
Phil has always been a fan favourite in the New York area and was treated like a rock star when the US Open was last held at Bethpage Black and he finished runner-up to Tiger Woods in 2002. However, this year’s showing will definitely be even more emotional.
June 7th, 2009 at 4:35 pm
It is not a moneymaking. Please believe me.
June 10th, 2009 at 10:43 pm
Phil, Amy and kids…. This adversity will add something to you….lean not to your own understanding……Let Go and Let GOD…..Google the Terry Fox story…. ( I got this from a Rick Warren Calendar).I believe GOD wants to USE YOU to make a difference in the world. He Wants to work through you. What matters is not the duration of your life, but the donation of it. Not how long you lived, but how you lived. Live Life today and it will be ok.
Good Speed, Peace and Love!!!!!
June 11th, 2009 at 12:13 am
Phil -
My wife was diagnosed with an advanced breast cancer over 2.5 years ago. I, too, had many days of tears gushing from my eyes, whenever I think of my wife and the kids. My wife has been fighting it for a long time, taking on treatments after treatments, getting surgeries after surgeries. Although my wife had three recurrences during the past year or so, we have peace and comfort knowing that our God knows what’s best for her and the rest of us. We realized only our faith in the Lord has carried us this far.
I am very thankful that Amy’s cancer was discovered during the early stage; that means a night and day to the type of treatments she’ll get. Although I don’t know you personally, there is a connection between you, me and all the husbands who are supporting their wives fighting this terrible disease. My wife and I will pray that both of you will fight it and over come this TOGETHER with a flying color. We (husbands) need to be patient and supportive for our wives to get healed physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I am learning these as I face them everyday.
Although my wife’s medical status is a bit serious, we, too, are fighting it as if we have no other choice than winning it for our children sake….
God Bless you and your family!
June 11th, 2009 at 12:36 am
As a widower of a fine lady that lost the fight to this disease, I learned many things during her fight. The major items that I learned were a) this is a lonely personal fight full of incertainty that only the patient can relate too, b) sometimes the most important thing that we can do in support is just to sit and hug…no words, no solutions, just a quiet hug at the right time!c) don’t put life on hold…plan events and trips as if the disease wasn’t there…hard I know but the uncertainty of the future needs to be stomped with plans and activity. Best wishes during this fight.
June 11th, 2009 at 5:31 am
I just wanted wish you and your wife and children Godspeed, and “Keep the Faith” that everything will work out for the best.
June 11th, 2009 at 5:49 am
Phil and Amy.My wonderful wife had a masectomy,and i know how you are now feeling. We all have a guardian angel within us. I talk to moine every night in my prayers,and the womderful things that have happened in my belief,that my angel,or God, whatever you call, will do wonders, you just have to believe that your angel is within you.I know things will turn out for the best.Much love, a golf fanB
Bob Bent Richmond BC
June 11th, 2009 at 8:24 am
I think that you are both such amazing people. you are both in my prayers and i know that everything will be okay. You are both and inspiration. Phil, i hope you play well this weekend and amy you are amazing… much love…
June 11th, 2009 at 2:50 pm
Phil I wrote you throuigh your agent and recommended “Love , Medicine, and Miracles” By Bernie Siegel for Amy. It is heartwarming and has been a great solace to my cancer patients. As a plastic surgeon ,and former general surgeon, I know the fear in your hearts now, but if you are strong, and I know you are,Amy will be fine. She has a great love for you and those beautiful children and I, for one, will pray for all of you daily.
Robert Mandraccia MD Ft Myers, Florida
June 11th, 2009 at 5:40 pm
I would suggest, “The Survivors Club” by Ben Sherwood. My wife uses it in her Freshman English class. The kids, along with us, love it. I hope you can find some comfort in the fact that we live in a time with medical advancements that give great probability of overcoming this disease.
I hope you feel validated in your golf career. You have accomplished so much to be envious of from a golf perspective.
It is apparent that you feel validated in your personal life. As witnessed by the emotions you are experienceing you love your wife. Having your family relationships make what you do all that more enjoyable… It is fun to see the support your family gives you. We look forward to seeing that support for years to come.
Best wishes.
June 14th, 2009 at 12:26 am
I read with heartfelt emotion about how your wife’s cancer has affected you and I understand the emotions you are going through. My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer last year and I can tell you I am still going through some difficult times now. She is now going through her 4th cycle of chemotherapy. I just urge you to keep your faith in God and I am wishing the best for her. I pray daily for many friends with cancer and I will add your family to my prayer list.
June 14th, 2009 at 5:50 am
Thanks so much for playing in Memphis this week, obviously a good cause and speaks to your character. You and Amy will be in my prayers.
June 15th, 2009 at 12:14 am
Prayers always for the success of treatments and, oh by the way, a successful time too in St. Jude’s and the Open. God is never more than a heartbeat away and know He’s all around your whole family!
June 20th, 2009 at 2:45 am
My wife is a medical professional and a cancer survivor. She has had a bilateral mastectomy, several reconstruction procedures, and a myriad of problems including 9 surgeries. Additionally she has had a hysterectomy and later her ovaries removed. She has been cancer free now for six years, It has been a trying but incredible journey. I feel blessed! Faith!
I have been watching the US open today and witnessing the warmth and well wishes Phil’s supporters have have bestowed upon he and his family. My wife and I wish you Godspeed! You will prevail.
We are advocates and are now trying to give back in a charitable way. We have designed some new Cancer Awareness products that we are trying to market and pass on a significant portion of any profits made. We are in touch with the American Cancer Society and other organizations supporting Breast Cancer awareness, treatment or prevention.
Our thoughts are with Phil and Amy and we wish them our very best as they face this horrendous ordeal.
Good luck in the tournament Phil! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
God Bless!
Larry & Linda Van Etten
Hollywood, FL
N.B. The website link displays the referenced products.
June 22nd, 2009 at 7:17 pm
Well it’s offical, Phil is by far the “Choke King” of all time!!
We won’t even talk about who picks out your golf outfits. Must be a gay SOB.
This is what happens when you buy into the “Rotten Tity Syndrom”
If we hear one more time about this “All About Me” illness and their pink ribbions and 5K runs, I will PUKE!!
When is one of these women going to take the time and effort to do some research as to why and how “Breast Cancer” exploded in the 80’s as a direct result of the neglegence and outrite fraud of the FDA and the drug companys, maybe then we won’t be bombarded with this countinuing Bitch, and oh poor me attitute.
How about consintrating on the 100,000 children that go missing every year? Or how about the homeless and those children that suffer everyday?
So tired of the femal whining!!!
August 10th, 2009 at 2:40 am
I wish you the best in the PGA this week.Be praying for you. Most of all I am still praying for you and your family.
Ronald “INK” Monroe